How do you play tag football? How do I act cool when everyone is playing?

My college group is having a "tag football" outing and I have no idea how to play it nor have I ever really played football. How do I act cool when everyone is playing? I want to join in so I don't look like a wimp but... I know the basics of football but never really played.


Favorite Answer

Just tell them that you haven't played before, and they'll hopefully give you some pointers and help you out. It's really fun. Depending on the type of tag football, it's pretty much like the football you see on TV except instead of tackling, they only touch you to stop the play.


Exact same as regular football but instead of tackling you all have little flags around your waist and you have to pull the flag off of the guy with the ball to down him. To act cool, just do the dirty bird dance the whole game so no one passes to you. At least then you won't drop the ball.


you in basic terms might desire to stroll as much as this female and tell her leave ME on my own! i've got finished no longer something TO YOU SO leave ME on my own! confirm ur pals have been given ur decrease back. And if she doesnt end delete her on facebook . And if she nevertheless doesnt end tell the princible your being bullied be certain you save all messages and emails as evidence she would be in a position of get what she merits if she retains messing with you and if all else fails beat the s**t out of her lol no longer on college grounds!!!!!!!!! AND dont end being an athlete shes purely jealous of your information wish this helps


it's basically regular football but instead of tackling you take out flags


Ask Tom Brady.