Why don't we have maternity leave in the U.S.?

Other Western countries have up to a year of maternity leave, with up to 4 months of it paid leave.

We get 12 weeks of unpaid leave for family emergencies, adoption, or caring for a newborn.

That's it.


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Different employees offer different things (I got 6 weeks paid and 6 weeks unpaid unless I had unused vacation/sick leave), but you are right that the US doesn't offer nearly as much leave as other countries. Its sad and pathetic really, but that's just the way it is here. Not only does the government not feel its necessary for them to offer those benefits, but they also can't afford to at this point and time.


I really feel for you guys!!! How brutal! I live in Canada, and we get 12 months, at 75 percent wage, plus $576 a month from the gov. for the child tax credit.
I can't imagine how hard it is to go back to work so soon! Or, how hard it is to find baby good care.
I have a lot of respect for you mothers, and hopefully have lots of family help!!
Cheers~ and move to CANADA!! Lol!

Littleblonde-kacey is here2009-10-18T12:58:07Z

In the uk we get 9 months paid live. Its rubbsih you dont have, but im sure there are things that you that are better than us

Jessica B2009-10-18T05:35:47Z

everything is offered differently