What do you think is going on?

got a postive blood test and urine test last week. I spooted a day last week and now today, its a little more today, i do have a uti though. they checked my levels today and they have almost double sinced friday, so im going back this afterfor an exam. I amnot sure what s going on but they said my levels are going up so everything still should beok. Hope the best for you. My levels were 423 and now 763 so im just praying. just trying to gey opinons from you guys see what you think. Its there when i wipe but is red. I wonder if is cause i had sex yesterday morning, cause last week had the sex the day before and spooted the next day also. just wondering


Favorite Answer

Everything is going to be okay.
Your going to be having a baby soon!!!!

Good luck and take good care of yourself!!!
Your going to be a mommy now!


Three Boys Mom2009-10-19T09:33:28Z

it could be implantation bleeding or from the sex.
i hope it goed well. the hormone levels sound good!