please answer very worried?

Went to doctor, said my levels were 423 on fri, I went today and they were 785, Should i be worried, Im spotting also. Doctor says he dont know. I had a period sept 30, I also had a postive blood and urine test this last friday, just looking for answers, do you think im miscarring. He kinda seemed worried,i did have my levels taken two different place so that means they cold be off a little, Is it 48 hours or 72, please help


y did that person say double everday thats defanilty not true.


Favorite Answer

They send your blood to the lab, so your levels shouldnt be to off. They are going up, and that is certainly a good sign. I had a miscarriage in July. I spotted for 2 days and then had full blown bleeding, cramp, and clots then passed the embryo sac. Then again, with my little girl, I had spotting around the time of my period and it turned out just being from implantation. Only time will tell. But the good thing is that misscarriages usually happen between weeks 6-8, according to my high risk OB. And it sounds as if you are only about 3-4 weeks along. Dont stress about it to much. My bet is that it is from implantation, with it being so early. If it is for some reason a miscarriage, you will know in a few days. But like I said, this usually isnt the case so early on. The baby is just attaching itself to your uterus. Good luck to you, and you are in my prayers.


It's not a good sign. Your #s should double everyday and they didn't double over 3 days, so those are very low levels. GL!


this happened to my friend ... more then double because she had twins .... :D so keep even ur toes crossed right now lol good luck :D