anyone have this and not miscarry?

So my levels friday 423 yesterday 785 today 912, going back tom. Last period sept 30, postive blood and urine test last friday. Now im bleeding today, whats going on. I spotted yesterday. Doctors dont know either.


i have already been to doctor, so not looking for that . I have been yesterday and today


doctor still doesnt know whats going on, until levels reach over 1500


Favorite Answer

Wow! If your last period was Sept 30th then I am really surprised your numbers are up this high! Much less that you had a positive pregnancy test, you must just have really short cycles.

Anyway, your levels should be doubling (or close to doubling) every 2 doesn't look good as far as your numbers go. If you were farther along then you can't really go on numbers due to the fact that they start slowing down and actually going down toward the end of the first trimester.

bleeding is fairly common during the first trimester, but it can also be a sign of ectopic pregnancy. I would talk to your doctor about this especially if you start having any pain.

I have been through this twice this year and believe me, I know that this is a really hard thing to get through. I was looking up everything and asking my midwife and doctors so many questions, especially after the second one. But I don't want to give you false hope either.

I truly hope that everything is ok with you and that you end up having a very healthy pregnancy and baby, and I also hope that if everything does end up well that you keep me posted on how it turns out! (I need a miracle too at this point!!!)

God Bless You! Good Luck! and Loads of BABY DUST!!!!


i think it depends on the amount of bleeding. A small amount of bleeding isnt necessarily a bad thing! It could just be hormones. Try not to freak out and good luck at your appointment :)


Usually blood is a sign of miscarriage. What did your doctor TELL YOU?


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