How big will my puppy be when full grown and when will he be full grown ( how old)?

I have a 4 month old Poodle/chihuahua Poochi
he is just 1 pound now
his mom is 4 pounds and dad is 8 pound

Nekkid Truth!2009-10-22T19:24:02Z

Favorite Answer

you will just have to wait until he's full grown to find out.. since its a mutt, there's no guarantee on size.

typically anywhere between moms size and dad's size.. but if there are larger or smaller dogs in the family tree, then the puppy could end up larger or smaller than the parents.. the thing with poorly bred mixes is that the breeders often dont bother to research the lines.. so you really dont know what's in the genetic background.


aww! sounds like a cute puppy! he will probably be around 6-9 pounds. most dogs mature and are fully grown at about 1, but since you have a smaller dog, i'd say probably 9 months. good luck with him and hope this helped! :)

Jenna D.2009-10-23T02:23:57Z

I am pretty sure the ages are 6mths to 1 and 1/2 years before growth stops but it slows significantly at 6 mths.