Does iPerms actually ever work?

Been trying to download enlistment contract for a couple of days now. Has it just been down for a couple of days??

I tried downloading it with DownThemAll and dTAOneClick! but that just gives me the first page of each of the documents in my files - so I have page 1 of my enlistment contract only.

I'm thinking it might be easier to go find my original copy in storage. ;)


It won't even display anything on the website. If I download it, it won't display anything but the first page. I've tried Windows Photo and Fax viewer, Picture Viewer, Nero, and even Paint. It just shows the first page.

I THINK I downloaded the whole thing, because the twenty to thirty page docs are all a few thousand KB.


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I don't think it was iPerms. I've been on it all this week also.
The problem you describe may be with the default viewer your computer is using to view multi-layer .tif files.
Try saving the file to your desktop, then right click it>Open With>Windows Picture and Fax Viewer...or other type of image viewer. If the default viewer your computer uses is not capable of viewing multi-layer .tif files, it will only show the page 1 of the document. If you are using dTAOneClick!, you will probably have problems because I believe that uses the Firefox web browser to view.
If you knew me in person, I would say e-mail them to me and I can send them back to you in .pdf format. Along the same lines, I would suggest you try opening them on another system and converting them to a different file type for use on your own system.


I was actually on my husband's iPerms yesterday looking for our lease agreement to make sure they have an up-to-date lease on file for us and it seemed to be working just fine. I would double check and make sure they have all of your contract input into iPerms. There were some documents of my husband's scanned in that were missing pages before (ie: our previous lease agreement). Kinda scary, I know! But as far as iPerms, I think it is working just fine... unless they are having inadvertent hiccups


Mine worked a few times. But it was not updated often. Only on award showed on it.


Iperms Documents


I reached my star limit for the 1st time two days ago..

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