Just updated info went to doctor levels have went from 1201 to 1138, so i guess they r goiong to fall now. Im so pissed and upset, What did I do to deserve this, Nothing in the uterus now or tubes, but now he is saying could be in tubes. GRRRRRRRRRRRR sorry just needed to vent


Doctor said is a miscarriage


Favorite Answer

I am so so sorry sweetie. These things DO NOT happen because you did or didn't deserve it, that much I do know. I know there is nothing I can say to make you feel better because it is completely normal to feel this way, even though it won't last forever. God knows what he is doing and I know that. I will pray for you and your little one.

*BIG hugs*


call Charlie Manuel up and tell him to end the insanity. tell him that each and every of the Phillies followers are tried of seeing Lidge blow saves. i do no longer think of the Phillies are cursed as Lidge isn't meant to be a closer. He could in all probability he a solid center reliever or a setup guy yet no longer a closer.

Vaginal Guru is a mum!2009-10-23T17:39:26Z

Honestly, if I had the answer I would be a much happier woman myself.

Miscarriages are common, and often go unexplained. I'm sorry you have to go through this. Give yourself time, let yourself heal, and mourn your loss.

If you need any support feel free to contact me.


wat r u talking about