What's the best emblem of hard rockin' metal?

a.) a skull

b.) a flying v

c.) the devil

d.) "the sign"

e.) Gene Simmons


g.) the "Metallica" logo, in the Ride the Lightning album cover style


f.) the color black


h.) Yahoo! Answers mixing up the order of additional details, once again making me look like a doofus


Favorite Answer

i'd say 'the sign' is the universal symbol of the Metal... go to anywhere and flick the horns and the metal brethren and sistren (?) will immediately acknowledge you lol! (like some kinda masonic secret handshake ;)

although with Gene Simmons in there i can't help but think this is some kinda trick question (i'm assuming he invented all the others or something...)... but i'm not going to p*ussy out to Simmons and i'm sticking by my original answer :p

deadhead (Who Dat Nation)2009-10-24T05:43:23Z

i. The razor blade from the Judas Priest album British Steel

Jimmy Jazz2009-10-24T04:27:53Z

A full bodied rebel yell complete with war face.


i'd say the sign :)

Dave K2009-10-24T03:33:05Z

a.) skull

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