How many players are on the average NFL football team?

I know the maximum amount, but what's the average

(NOTE) i'm not talking about on the field, I'm talking about IN THE TEAM


Favorite Answer

All NFL teams have 53 players + 12 practice squads. They have to activate 43 players every week and can activate no more than 45. All teams have the same amount, no team has less.


An average NFL team would destroy the best NCAA team in a game at any time. Even a bottom- feeder NFL team would crush top collegiate teams. How many pro- level- talent players does a typical top- flight NCAA team have? 20? And most of those 20 are going to be backups too. And the rest will play like NFL rookies. So there may be 1-2 guys on the NCAA team that would play as well as his NFL counterpart with the rest making goofy mistakes because the speed of their opponents forces them into a mindset they never had to deal with before, and hence, mistakes.


all teams in the nfl are allowed 53 players on their active roster. College teams have tons thats why if you watch some college games you will see 2 players on the same team who wear the same number they can have over 100 players at home games but in nfl the roster is set at 53 players


Was curious on the answer too


thanks for the replies, greatly appreciated