How much power steering fluid should leak out of a torn tie-rod boot cover?
We have an '01 Accord V6 with a torn tie-rod boot cover. In a day or two of driving almost all the power steering fluid in the system leaks out this tear. Will just replacing the boot cover solve the problem? Or is there something else in the steering box that needs to be fixed?
Favorite Answer
Power steering fluid will never ever ever come out of a tie rod boot. Your rack and pinion is what's leaking.
No changing the boot cover will not resolve or stop your leak.You will need to replace the seals on your tie rod .The boot cover is only there to prevent dust from getting on the moving rod arm.You need to buy a set of steering wheel box seals,these seals need to be replaced by some one who knows what he is doing,cause it is a steering wheel issue,and it is dangerouse to play with,the job need to be done right from the first time.
Check the hoses for leaks, looking at the hose connections to the rack and also to the p.s.pump. If no leaks are found, next look rack and the pump for any leaking seals. Good luck with that; I hope you fix it soon. Having it fixed is important; you don't want to be buying p.s. fluid all the time nor is it good to be spilling the stuff all over your driveway.