love, like, love,or love, love?

Love, love

I’m stranded and you gallop the way you lurk,
uncanny and ever-present.
I go pretty, and I fight my battle without you.
I wait and my delay days
number in line and linger like stagnant water.
I laugh, and my thunder rides again, then you
saddle searching stockman
reign me, to tight tie
like, love.
Different than love, love.
I, eye your eyes
and seek search feelings,
showing your stand-out surface
which you
use to lure me to
love love.


Favorite Answer

So, you liked getting roped and 'branded' little doggie? lol Waiting for him to strut and pull you to his side, stagnant water be damned then! Interesting twist if I am reading this correctly about love, real love.


Don't let that boy reign you too hard, Girlie. But love makes us weak to such things... sigh This be a deep one needing pondering.


..hooks and eyes
hand tied
lures disguise
patience and silence
Heroes and Heroines
side by side

Lovely Love Love

♪♫NancyLiz ® ♫♪ ™2009-10-29T12:19:51Z

I think
... I would ditch all of the *ands*.. if'n I had my druthers.. try it and see...


The eyes have it.

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