Homeopathy and water memory?

Yo hey, so if water has memory, wouldn't it "remember" stuff that was in it before it was used as a solvent? For example, water from the sewage evaporates and falls as rain and this water eventually ends up being used as solvent for a homeopathic solution. Wouldn't the water "remember" the crap and crud and other filthy things dissolved in it when it was sewage water?

Can homeopaths make the water forget so it can start with blank water?

Soul Doctor2009-10-31T21:10:16Z

Favorite Answer

Ah ! So does 'Homeophobia' makes you ask the same question again and again Angrydoc ? :o) and should I give the same answer to your question, what I think is you are not looking for an answer you are just trying to spread bias nothing else. And can I ask have you ever tried any one homeopathic remedy in your life ? I am sure you have not. Phew. I seriously don't think anyone who is angry all the time can be a healer.
And remember I am not here to fight anyone, I am a healer not a street fighter educated people don't fight.

'Homeophobia' must not be toleratedHomeopathy should not be labelled a fraud. Those who study water know the critics are wrong, says Rustum Roy

Ben Goldacre excoriates the practice of homeopathy (A kind of magic?, November 16). For the record, I have never studied or held a position for, or against, the clinical effectiveness of homeopathy. However, I am a materials chemist who has written one of the most cited papers in materials science, on aqueous solutions.
Having recently studied the extraordinary biological properties of ultradilute aquasols (water with one part per million of solid particles) and written a long review on the structure of water, I accidentally also discovered a new social disease, "homeophobia" - that is, a phobic reaction (mainly by scientists) to the word "homeopathy", the virulence of which is exemplified by Goldacre.

A major bugaboo for "homeophobes" is the concept that a solution where the solute is extremely diluted (beyond Avogadro's number) absolutely cannot, they believe, be any different from the original solvent. Hence homeopathy must be a fraud. This has been the anti-homeopathy crowd's trump card for more than 100 years.

But let us turn to scientists who specialise in water's properties. Prof Martin Chaplin of London's South Bank University, a leading expert on the (molecular) structure of water, says: "Too often the final argument used against the memory of water concept is simply 'I don't believe it' ... Such unscientific rhetoric is heard from the otherwise sensible scientists, with a narrow view of the subject and without any examination or appreciation of the full body of evidence, and reflects badly on them."

As it happens, there is agreement among all those who have studied liquid water that it is, in fact, the critics, who are totally wrong. Proof? Diamond is the planet's hardest material; graphite one of the softest. They are absolutely identical in composition, and they can be interconverted in a millisecond with zero change of composition.

Prof Eugene Stanley of Boston University, the leading expert on the physics of water, has catalogued 64 highly anomalous property changes in pure water. According to the first law of materials science, that means that there must be the same large number of different structures in liquid water - what he called "polymorphism" of water. This year Prof Chaplin, in the journal Homeopathy, discussed in detail how water could retain a "memory".

But the main thrust of Goldacre's argument is the role of the "placebo effect". Yes, this works. And, yes, it is without doubt present in every homeopathic intervention; but it is far more powerfully present in orthodox medical pills because they are advertised so widely in billion-dollar campaigns.

Goldacre is accurate in pointing out the high rates of positive v negative outcomes in many of the homeopathy studies. But there are enormous discrepancies in any set of randomised controlled trials on the same orthodox pills.

Does Goldacre seriously suggest that a homeopathy paper with a positive outcome would be treated fairly in any mainstream journal?

· Rustum Roy is Evan Pugh professor of the solid state, and research professor of materials at Arizona State University rroy@psu.edu
The above article is taken from :- http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2007/dec/19/comment.health

Take care and spit out the anger before it seriously consumes and burn you mate. You know anger can be easily treated and cured using Homeopathic remedies :o) but then again you are not interested in curing you are intrested in feeding people drastic synthetic potions which you name "MEDICINE" .
Is'nt medicine something which should "CURE{ you and make you feel better when you are ailing ? Try taking antibiotics , they almost killed me while trying to and I repeat in trying to treat me for typhoid they failed on both accounts :o) Homeopathy prevailed and always will, and that is exactly what is bother the chemical pill pushers, and you are anrgy because of just that fact its a threat to the PHARMA 's livlihood. There is no doubt that homeopathy works and will go on doing so whether you want to believe it or not has got nothing to do with the fact. Sorry to take up your time now go and do what you are paid for "making people dependant on chemicals" .

Take care

T B2009-10-30T12:05:04Z

didn't you already ask this? I think it's funny that the link you gave http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn3817-icy-claim-that-water-has-memory.html says "But thermoluminescence expert Raphael Visocekas" "says he is convinced." and says "It is trustworthy physics." Doesn't that prove that it does retain memory?


You need to get a priest for that. Your water is now holy, therefore immune to common sense ideas, such as remembering where it came from.