Homeopathic cure for alcohol poisoning?

Me and my friends, we drink a lot and there's a danger that one of us could end up with alcohol poisoning. Would it be possible for us to take a drop of alcohol, dilute it in clean water and use it as a homeopathic "counter-alcoholic" drink? The principles of homeopathy state that this should work right? As Samuel Hahnemann said, "like cures like!"


Hehehehe. Still haven't got an answer from our resident homeopath experts.


Favorite Answer

I suppose you are referring to acute alcohol poisoning, since alcohol poisoning in itself is the same as being drunk. If you are, why on earth would you even try that? We are talking about respiratory failure, coma and death. That is an emergency condition that should be treated by professionals, not by your drunk friends.

Also, since the person in question would most likely be unconscious, you'd risk drowning them if you tried to get them to drink water. It's really not a good idea.

The homeopathic cure for acute alcohol poisoning would however be to give the patient Nux vomica. It has been proved to be quite successful, but is still something that should be done by professionals.


Medicine For Alcohol Poisoning


Homeopathy is quackery. I learned that the hard way. Herbal medicine isn't bad if you do your research. The best way to deal with headaches is to know what kind it is. My best cure for tension and vascular headaches both is a hot shower for a long time.




The homeopathic cure would be to buy a Sodium Chloride IV bag and keep it around. This will work in a pinch for a hangover, and its also used for people who are severly dehydrated.

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