I keep getting an error message on youtube, is this happening to anyone else?
My laptop has been having problems on youtube. Whenever I click on a vid it says, an error occured, please try again later. It used to work usually after clicking refresh but now it's not working. Every day it gets worse than the last.
Is anyone else having this problem, and how can I fix this?
Favorite Answer
If you see the message: "AN ERROR HAS OCCURRED, PLEASE TRY AGAIN LATER" which is *INSIDE* an empty Flash player, that's a sign that a "time-out" or "run-time" error has occurred. Problems like that are usually due to your ISP, YouTube or a network link between the two of them which is trying to carry YouTube's Flash transmissions onto your computer. These events are usually just temporary.
It's quite possible that simply pressing "F5" (or clicking the "Refresh" icon) could easily resolve your problem. You can also try clicking the "Back" and "Forward" buttons.
If your problem is still there, I'm very familiar with "blank" or "black" screens -- and have helped hundreds of people with with that particular problem. Thus please take a look at my previous "Best Answers" (see below) and what the "Askers" wrote in their feedback comments to my answer afterwards:
Not much has changed in the last couple years in terms of playing YouTube videos. In fact, you could still use Flash 8 if you wanted to. The newest Flash Players are often giving YouTubers a lot of trouble, especially since there is now 11 different versions of Flash 10. It's patently absurd that there is 10.0.525, 10.0.576, 10.1.218, 10.2.26, 10.2.54, 10.12.10, 10.12.36, 10.15.3, 10.22.87, 10.23.1 and recently 10 32.18. Usually, most updates are typically good for only one thing: software conflicts. I have never strayed away from 9.47 and many "flashers" still swear that 9.45 is best. Think of those two as you would Windows XP, compared to Vista. Please look at the Asker's comment to this "Best Answer" of mine: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081125075929AABZpVS If that seems interesting to you, here is the appropriate link: http://www.oldapps.com/flash_player.php?old_flash_player=14
If nothing seems to resolve your issue, this is what I advise people when YouTube gets slow, stuck or weird: clear your "cache" of its "Cookies", "History" and "Temporary Internet Files". My "CHTIF triple-cure" has resolved literally 100's of peoples YouTube problems, so why not yours? Just do the following depending on your browser, then shutdown/reboot:
Internet Explorer 6: → Tools → Internet Options → Delete Cookies → OK → Delete Files → OK → Clear History → Yes → OK
Internet Explorer 7: → Tools → Internet Options → Delete... → Delete files → Yes → Delete cookies → OK → Delete history → OK → Close (browsing history window) → OK
Internet Explorer 8: → Tools → Delete Browsing History [. ] Preserve Favorites (leave blank) [x] Temporary Internet files [x] Cookies [x] History → Delete
Mozilla Firefox 3: → Tools → Clear Private Data [x] Browsing History [x] Download History [x] Saved Form and Search History [x] Cache [x] Cookies → Clear Private Data Now
Mozilla Firefox 3.5: → Tools → Clear Recent History Time range to clear: → Everything ▼ Details [x] Browsing & Download History [x] Saved Form and Search History [x] Cookies [x] Cache → Clear Now
Apple Safari 3: → Edit → Preferences → Security (tab) → Show Cookies → Remove All → Done after that: → Safari → Empty Cache → Empty after that: → History → Clear History
Google Chrome: → Tools (wrench) → Clear browsing data... [x] Clear browsing history [x] Clear download history [x] Empty the cache [x] Delete cookies Clear data from this period: → Everything → Clear Browsing Data
BLANK SCREENS: ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ◘ http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090327160656AA9g84j best answer by a mile. MY YOUTUBES BACK.
◘ http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090209142645AAY2whp Thanks for all that, it worked !!
◘ http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090205004058AAlhN7u dude, thanks!! clearing my "cache" worked! Thanks for your time and all.. =)
ERROR OCCURRED: ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ◘ http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090617200546AAcmSAX thanks alot it worked
◘ http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090521090530AA6nGqr this is exactly what i did and it worked :] ---- thank youuu!!!
There could be several reasons for error but first, due to maintenance of website or if not then please clear your browser history re start computer and check.
Or if it is new problem the best and safest way is SYSTEM RESTORE. If you are using other than vista then it will be easier, Click on start/all programs/accessories/system tools/system restore. Chose the date when computer was running fine. After that re start computer.
Pinterest is still getting off the ground and working out some kinks, for about a week I couldn't pin anything from Etsy, then it suddenly started working again. Just give it some time :)
Um, yeah, I'm having this problem for SOME videos, especially the ones I actually want to watch. D: I think it's maintenance issues thoughh. Oh, and I've tried 4 different web browsers and have tried restarting. x.x
This happens when you lose connection from your internet. In your case your internet might have overloaded
Try Downloading the video to your computer and watch it with VLC Media player or something
To download a video read this: While you're watching a YouTube video, add the word 'keep' just before .com in your address bar For example http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1t5G3KoYWc becomes http://www.youtubekeep.com/watch?v=v1t5G3KoYWc