I am mad at HBO,how about you?

HBO is having a special on Barack Obama on Tuesday regarding his election called By The People. I can't believe they are waisting time and effort on this. All they have is re-run movies, nothing knew and now this. Anybody else want to write them a letter? I did.


I loved Save the Republic and
Brown 950! Thanks for all your answers. And yes I CAN change the channel *duh*. The things is when you don't like something you should speak up because one day maybe that right will be gone.


Favorite Answer

Make an angry video and post it on Youtube.

If your cat can provide piano accompaniment..people will watch it.


I think that while they have covered a variety of topics well (9/11, The 2000 Election) this is not really that interesting of a topic and maybe if they would go back and explore an interesting facet of U.S. politics like the Reagan era then I would tune in again. HBO seems to be in a slump. This is though a waste of time because anyone who would watch it just lived through it not even a year ago.


I don't care. I stopped watching HBO a long time ago.


I think Obama wants to be on TV 2 hours a day- He loves getting attention and he has no clue we are sick of him.


I like Curb and Entourage. I'll probably watch the special too. Showtime was showing Sicko last month (it might still be on demand) so maybe all you can stomach is FalseNews. Too bad for you, your loss.

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