Boxing Trivia Question #1?
So i have come to realize that the boxing section here on Yahoo is in a sad state. I look around and all i see is questions about Pacquiao, Mayweather, De La Hoya, Tyson, Ali and occassionaly big named fighters from the 1980's, there are a select few in here who actually know who Nicolino Locche, Sandro Mazzinghi, Terry Norris and Michael Nunn were, What i'm trying to get at is, boxing "fans" in here have very limited knowledge of boxing history, so since i rarely ask questions in here, i'm gonna start asking "WHO AM I?" type of questions in hopes that some of you actually take an interest and search for information and trying to find out what boxer is the answer to my questions and of course 10 points will go to whom ever gets the answer right. Hopefully you guys will do your homework and study the fighters who arent known to the common fan but are known to real boxing fans. Well with all that said, here is the first official who am i clues:
1) I am from Argentina
2) I fought in the U.S. once in my career (and lost that bout)
3) I am the first boxer from my country to become a World Champ in any weight division
WHO AM I?????
(This should be easy to find)
@ Mark W - there are some really boring fights and a few pretty exciting fights, me personally, i dont like the all out wars type of fights, i like fights that are very technical so with that said, my favorite Mazzinghi fight is when he fought Tony Montano, i have about 40 of his fights on DVD myself.