What is the difference between a BS in Civil Engineering and a Bachelor of Engineering degree?

According to a school's website I'm looking at they are both pretty much the same and will lead to the same jobs. The only difference being gaining the BS is more hands on and the BE is more theory. Is this true?


The school is Point Park University. Here's a link to the program http://www.pointpark.edu/Academics/Schools/SchoolofArtsandSciences/Departments/NaturalSciencesandEngineeringTechnology/EngineeringTechnology/CivilEngineeringTechnology . It says that they are accredited by the ABET.


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Civil engineering would be the people who decide that there needs to be another road here, or a stop sign there.

Engineers design computer parts and such.


BS Degrees are awarded by schools that are classified as Liberal Arts Institutions. Bachelor of Engineering Degrees are awarded by colleges that typically offer only engineering....like Georgia Tech, for example. The Liberal Arts Colleges typically offer an assortment of degrees related to Engineering in the Sciences.


You should try some of the technical societies that may use those areas and see what they say.. Sorry but I don't know what they may be for that area, maybe some thing like society of civil engineers?