MY MP4 player does not work with head phones how to fix help!!!!!! please!!!!?

I have a MP4 player every thing works it plays the music but when i plug head phones in it messes it up. like if there is a guitar and a violin playing when i plug the head phones in. just the violin will play.....any one know how to fix this problem?????? I really would like to fix it. it is a touch screen MP4 looks like this......copy and paste the link into your URL to see what it looks like............

Thanks to all who help!!!!!!!


Also i already tryed new head phones nembers head phones its not the head phones......its the Mp4 player.


also i did push my headphones all the way in i did every thing with the head phones it is not the head phones.......i pushed them in and did all the basic stuff i could do its somthing when i push the head phones that makes it sound weird.......when i pull the head phones out and it plays like a speaker it sounds its the Mp4


Favorite Answer

the problem can either be in the device itself or the head phones. Try borrowing a pair of head phones from someone and plug them in. The sound you hear o not hear rather is you only getting mono sound. This can be mimicked with any head phones by partially unplugging them; you will still get some but it will similar to what you are describing.

On that note also make sure they are plug ALL the way in and there isnt an obstruction in the socket keeping it from seating all the way.

Hope this helps!


I don't think it's genuine because the real iPhone does not come with batteries or a stylus but in the list of the accessories, those 2 things are included with the phone. The iPhone isn't like other phones where you can remove the battery door and take the battery out, you actually have to unscrew it and there is only one large battery, not 2 batteries like the description above states. Also, if you used a stylus with a real iPhone you would not be able to select anything because the real iPhone touch screen works when operated by real human touch. Beware of what is advertised on eBay. If the iPhone didn't come from AT&T or Apple, you run the risk of a fake. This phony "iPhone" sounds like one of those Chinese knock offs and I'm willing to bet there is Chinese writing all over it.


one of your head phones might have just went out. try buying a new pair.