What happens when nothing happens?

What will happen when everything stops happening? Will something still happen? Is there anything after everything? If there is 'outside the box', does that mean there still is 'a box outside'? Did you get out the box just to get into a bigger box?

Thanks for sharing!

I'm Gumby Damn It!2009-11-09T09:27:04Z

Favorite Answer

void equals infinity
here we exist in an active side of infinity
if this activity ceased
everything active would simply become inactive
there are no solids
never was and never will be
most of the darn universe is silent
silence would swallow us up
stillness world rein
matter would be no more
this womb of creation
would abort
the ice queen would vanish too
for light has come to rest in the dark star


Something will always happen, even if you think nothing is happening. Our minds are geared to think constantly, so something even considered as thinking is "happening" whether you'd accepted or not. Thinking or living "outside the box", is living outside conventionality. Personally? I prefer AND live outside the box, because anything else, being in the box,
is intolerable. I am not conventional in any way. As an eccentric I am forced to have to live and FOREVER Outside the EXTREMELY and BORING - dull interior box.


When nothing happens,the act of happening will continue till some new event emerges out of nothing.


your life could stop anytime while everything continues,
this is the only box I can figure out.



has a hard time wrapping our mind around the concept... imagines the ending is really the beginning as it consumes everyone to recreate it again and again…

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