Does Northern Illinois University Huskie Stadium sell Alcohol?
I know some colleges aren't selling beer at thier stadiums. Does anyone know about Brigham Field cuz I'm going to a Football game there.
I know some colleges aren't selling beer at thier stadiums. Does anyone know about Brigham Field cuz I'm going to a Football game there.
Favorite Answer
No, they do not sell beer. Do not try to sneak it in. That's why there are tail-gate parties.
Dave C
And don't get caught with it tailgating if you aren't 21 or older the NIU police card hard there!
There are very few college games where alcohol is sold. The only ones I know of would be where a college is playing at a stadium that they don't own or operate (Metrodome before this year, Soldier Field - when NIU played Iowa in '07 etc.)