Question for Soul Doctor re: Homeopathy and Coronary artery blockage?

In a previous Q&A, you said:

"I have used these three Homeopathic remedies together with reasonable success 60%, in opening blocked arteries. ARNICA MONTANA 200 + LEDUM PAL 200 + LACHESIS 200."

My question is, again with all due respect, what is your criteria for saying that you have opened up a blocked artery? Do you have any data on your patients to back that claim? If you do then why not publish your data in a reputable, peer-reviewed journal?

In the first place, how did you even diagnose coronary artery disease in your patients? Did you do echocardiography, or stress testing, or myocardial perfusion imaging, or did you go all out and do cardiac catherization?

Soul Doctor, where is the data?


Oops, sorry! Forgot to put the link of the Q&A I got the quote from. Here it is:;_ylt=Ar1QK6To9NzZGB20syrKZnjty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20091109170851AAWgtGm&show=7#profile-info-U6zbdEt4aa

William T2009-11-11T04:15:26Z

Favorite Answer

ARNICA MONTANA is a yellow flowering plant, also known as Wolf's Bane. I can't find reference to anything called LEDUM PAL except by homeopaths and they all claim it treats something different. Finally LACHESIS is the name of one of the three fates in Greek mythology. What I want to know is, if like cures like, then how do these three things cause coronary artery blockage in the first place? Shouldn't you be treating with diluted cholesterol or something like that?


I thought that for every illness there was ONE single homeopathic cure. I.e you only take one type of pill. Sometimes I think they just make it up


Anyone who wishes to reassure those seeking his advice should have no problem in answering this.