if someone has never watched a star wars movie (ie he called yoda "that green pointy ear guy")and you were letting them borrow yours what order would you give the to him. 4,5,6 then 1,2,3. or 1,2,3 then 4,5,6. should i give him episode 4 first or episode 1 first
Jedi Dude 282009-11-11T22:04:44Z
Favorite Answer
This question gets asked a lot and no offense to those who say to watch them in Chronological order (IE: ep 1 - 6 ) but they just don't get it because that is the absolute worst way to watch them. If you want to enjoy the full experience of the Star Wars saga then I beg you ... the only way to watch them is ep IV - VI then ep I - III. Why ... well this is just my "theory" but it holds a couple oceans of water.
Start with the fact that they were released that way and that is how the story was meant to be told. Watching them this way will also keep the "suspense" in them. Both of the trilogies "tell" on the secrets of the others but the prequels take much of the suspense out of the OT with some of the info learned in them. There is a scene in episode V: The Empire Strikes Back that was voted # 4 by SAG as one of the most shocking revelations in the entire history of film ... if you watch them ep I - III then ep IV - VI you will lose the "WTF" value it carried in 1980 because you will already know what it is and it won't seem like a big deal to you. The problem with that is that this event WAS a big deal to the saga itself. It basically took everything we thought we knew and tossed it into the recycle bin. To this day I remember what happened in the theater I was in to watch this movie for the first time and heard Darth Vader utter 5 words that turned the Star Wars saga upside down ... absolute silence ... you could have heard a pin drop 10 miles away ... we were stunned silent by this "revelation" ... this went on for about 10 seconds and then one by one you heard people say, no way ... he's lying ... don't believe him Luke ... and it went on until Luke made his decision and then another cheer went up in the crowd. Yeah, that's the kind of "crazy" we were back then. This trilogy grabbed the people of my generation and said ... you think that was cool ... watch this. It's kind of like it was back in the 50s when all the kids were listening to that "Devil Music" called Rock n Roll. It was one of those things that had to be felt not seen. I doubt we will ever seen any movie in any genre that will come close to topping this saga ...
There is one other thing to decide also with respect to the OT (ep 4 – ep 6) … there are 3 versions of these movies … the ones that came out to theaters in 77 – 83 … the SE versions that came to theaters in 97 … and the DVD versions that came out in 2004. Is there much difference between the 3 versions … for the most part no. The main thing that was changed was picture quality and sound quality. Lucas did change some scenes and did add some small scenes. I would suggest you watch the DVD versions, as they are the “final” word according to Lucas.
Many people "trash" the prequels, I really can't abide by that. Even as a true Star Wars Geek I will be the first to admit that the prequels were flawed ... at least ep 1 & 2 ... personally I thought that ep 3 rocked from start to finish but that's just me I guess. I really wish that fans would stop and think about just why they didn't like the prequels and actually say why they don't like them instead of saying "they suck". When I stop and do that I come up with 3 main reasons why they weren't as good as the originals. First, Lucas got too hung up on all the fancy different ways he could blow things up with all the new CGI that they had developed at ILM and forgot that what made Star Wars the iconic saga that it was and will always be ... the story itself. Second, is that when Lucas decided to make the prequels he had to do the impossible ... make 3 more movies as good as or better than the original trilogy ... it couldn't be done. Third, fan ignorance. With the 16 years in between the trilogies fans had already came up with their own "version" of how these 3 movies would go and when they didn't match the story in their head if ticked them off to the point that they didn't like them.
Anyways, sorry for the ramble but the Star Wars saga is one of my true passions.. I guess the main thing I'm trying to say is that ep IV - VI then ep I - III is the way to go if you want to feel the true magic of Star Wars.
Perhaps you need to schedule 2 weekends: Weekend 1: Film release order. (oh yeah, I tried it this way and at the end of ROTJ the missus was like: "who the hell is that guy?" when the ghosts appear all together cos I couldn't get hold of the un-tarted-about-with versions). Weekend 2: LucasArts extended prequel story order. I have to say I think I could skip the larger parts of both episodes 1 and 2. There are a few scenes which are important for the plot but a LOT of filler. Episode 3 is where the real plot meat of the prequels sits IMHO. Kind of more satisfying in this order from the point of view of the story arc and making sense of the bits they've tarted about with in the older films, although you do need a 20 year bog-break between episodes 3 and 4. Maybe reverse the order of these weekends, do the story order first to avoid the WTF??? at the end of ROTJ which might spoil it otherwise.
Hmmm, maybe just 4,5,6. And spare your friend the prequels entirely.
Actually, start with 4,5,6 if you must.
The audience really believes that Luke is just some farm boy. And that his father killed Vader.
There is that air of mystery around Luke and Vader where, at the end of Empire Strikes Back, you aren't sure if they are father and son.
And of course, there is the big surprise that Leia is Luke's sister. If you see the prequels, it is all laid out and it interrupts/spoils the plot of 4,5,6.
You know. I actually thought about that. When introducing my son (Still in grade school) to the Star Wars Universe. We watched Episodes 1 & 2 on DVD around when Episode 3 hit theaters, he asked to see my episodes 4-6 tapes and told him we would after watching E3. Although he noticed a big difference in S/FX I think he was able to appreciate Vader's actions at the end of Return of the Jedi.
If one can get past the differences of S/FX, then yes. In order 123456.
Null Zero man actually makes a great point. Assuming this person doesn't already know Vader is Luke's father. There is a good chance that even this person doesn't know anything about SW, they would at least know one of the most recognized movie lines in history.... "Luke, I am your father!"