Do you think xbox live is fair when they detect modded consoles and ban your console for life?
I think it's unfair and that they don't even tell you why your console was banned they just tell you to you too read the terms use contract. Instead sending an email explaining why.
I modded my xbox to play my own store purchased copied games since i have kids that do take care of the originals Games do get expensive. But I think it is kind of harsh of punishment I think suspension should come first then banning.
I think your console can be modded but you can't earn anything on XBL because of it.
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I dont think its fair. i dont have an xbox 360 but i think if you get banned for modding it, then i should get banned off the internet for having emulators, and completely rebuilding my comp after i bought it. wouldlnt that be considerd modding? microsoft just wants there money. how dare you have the "smarts" to better somthing that a millionare has created for personal use. and how dare they make somthing that is so easy for average people who pay these rediculous prices for these systems ,there for own,and have every right, to mod and customise to there standards which should already be done before purchasing the system. i would sell em from the factory already madded and up the purchasing price.that would put a nice lining in my pocket. yay mac,mac is working on a new system. hopefully it doesnt suck like their last one
as long as you legitimately earned the achievements, it at the instant appears like Microsoft purely exams for modded consoles/video games whilst linked to stay. it is via fact it at the instant purely bans the console for modding and not the gamertag. in spite of the undeniable fact that, this is to no longer say that Microsoft honestly can/won't be able to or will/won't. they'd have extra some thing to the console that exams and purely flags your gamertag, and then in some unspecified time sooner or later they're going to ban a collection of gamertags and consoles all of sudden. this is a threat you're taking in case you mod.
Well, you modded the console either to cheat or to play pirated games, neither of which are exactly "fair", are they? Why waste time and money explaining why, when you know fully well that the ban was because you used a modded console?
Look, lemme talk to you on a mano e mano basis, okay? I'm not Mr. Roughneck anymore, I'm just your pal... Tommy. I know it's "cool" or "hip" to mod your Xbox. Believe me, when I was in college, I used to mod my Colleco almost every day. I get that it's really interesting to see things in crazy colors, or do better in scrims, or whatever. But it just isn't worth it.
I'm not going to lie like every other adult on this subject; it's true, you cannot break your console by modding it. But you're missing out! On life! Why in the world would want to sit in front a modded console all day, plugging n00bs in the dome, when you could be sitting in front of a normal console all day, making friends that will last the whole match?
Plus, modding your console hurts others. My Granddad was going to be a dancer, but then one day Grandma decided to mod their Ham Radio. He had to drop out of dance school to pay for all the hardware and software updates.
So I know you think it's just no big deal that you mod your console. But when Microsoft bans your console, they're just trying to act in your own good. It is a very slippery slope from Modding console, to making Indie Games, and before you know it you've bought a "Game Pod" and only leave to go to the bathroom... sometimes.
Totally fair. It's your own fault, if you took the time to read their terms then you'd know what you were putting at risk when deciding to mod your console. No one to blame but yourself.