Do Liberals really think that if they keep saying that the OVERWHELMING majority want a public option that it?

will become the truth?? How delusional are they , do they really believe this or is it just the talking point?


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It is the Josef Goebbels politics...say a big lie often enough and it may be believed...Here are the FACTS and Polls....Sorry libs once again, as usual, you LOSE


The last great intellectual in the GOP, William F. Buckley, died February 27, 2008. The torch of reasoned conservatism was obviously not passed to you and the other right-wing geniuses of Yahoo. .


In politics, anything over 50% is an overwhelming majority. Bush felt he had a mandate from the American people and he certainly never won by what anyone not in politics would consider an overwhelming majority.


The public option IS already becoming truth...

77% support public option

GOP Poll: Yes, People Want a Public Option

Most polls show that a majority of Americans want a health care overhaul to include a public option — a government insurance program that competes with private insurers.

Attn. Senate: Most Americans Want a Public Option

Because people want it

Consgreat: Thanks for posting the link with the truth, from it:

"Polling on the health care topic by many firms has created some confusion. In particular, polls on the “public option” show a wide variety of results. A recent poll in The Washington Post found that 57% support a government-run health insurance company to compete with private insurers, but Rasmussen Reports polling shows that support is very soft. In fact, people are strongly opposed to a public option if they think it could lead employers to drop the existing coverage they provide employees. The fact that results are so subject to change based upon minor differences in question wording suggests that voters do not have firm opinions on the public option.

Virtually all polling shows a plurality or majority opposed to the current plan in Congress. The poll in The Washington Post found just 45% support for the congressional plan among all adults. Additionally, support for the current plan has remained stable suggesting that PUBLIC OPTION IS FIRMLY STABLISHED AT THIS TIME. "


Yes they do. They have discovered, and it is true, that if you repeat something often enough people will think it is fact..

So the majority that voted Democrat in Nov may want a public option? So Obama got 54% of the vote so about 27% would be a majority. Do people think we should destroy our health-care system because 27% voted for it?..

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