how far while a marli 30-30 (touch out/shoot)acuratly?

ive been told that if i sight my gun in at 30 yards it wont hit eney thing out at 50 to 100 yards acuratly also ive been told it wont hit eney thing 20yards or closer is this true?

Bear Crap2009-11-19T00:34:36Z

Favorite Answer

A 30-30 can be accurate well past 200 yards but the bullet drop is considerable the farther you go past 200 yards.
Example 30-30 150 gr bullet sighted in to hit 2.9 inches high at 100 yards will hit about -0.6 inches at 200 yards. Same bullet sighted in 3.6 inches high at 100 yards will be dead on at 200 yards.
30-30 170 gr bullet sighted in 2.9 inches high at 100 yards will hit 8.2 inches low at 200 yards. But at 400 yards they will be over 40 inches low.
So you see if you sight it in for 3 inches high at 100 yards you are good out to 200 yards on a deer if you aim for the center of the lung area.

Here is a ballistic table for the 30-30;
You will note it goes out to 500 yards but at that distance it has dropped like a rock and has little energy left.

Read the link below to understand how to sight in your rifle.
Simply put get paper targets set them up at 50 yards then 100 yards. Once you have a tight group at 50 move on to 100 and adjust your sights so you hit 3 inches high and your good to go.

Links for information;

The reason they say the 30-30 is a short range rifle is because after about 150 yards its not as effective on deer size game due to loss of energy, 200 yards is considered the max for deer with it although some will disagree with that.


Some good advice here already. And as you can see, most folks agree that 150 yards is about the maximum that a 30-30 round can humanely kill a deer.

Allow me to also add, the bullet drop on a 30-30 between 30 yards and 100 yards is not that much. I personally try to sight-in all of my rifles so that they shoot 1.5 (one point five) inches high at 100 yards. At any range between 10 yards and 100 yards, I will most likesly be anywhere from 2 inches low to 2 inches high at the various distances. At about 150 yards, the bullet would be about 4 inches low.

As you can see, the difference of 4 inches is not going to make much of a difference when shooting at a deer-sized animal. So, go ahead and sight your rifle in for 100 yards and feel confident that you can hit anything from 10 yards to 150 yards by aiming dead-on.


A 30-30 is a good rifle for deer size game at 150yards max. The people that are telling you it shoots 300 yards I would not consider to be reliable source of info. You can get away with sight in at 30 yards but I like 75 yards the best.Sight in your gun at 75 yards puts you right in the middle.You will be a little high on the close shots and a little low on the long shots .If a 30 yard range is all you have to work with then sight in a little on the high side keeping your group dead center and 1/2 inch high and you will be fine.


* The Maximum Accuracy, and Effective Range of the 30-30 caliber is 300 yards.* Whoever told you that is either joking around with you, or they don't know what they are talking about.* There is a not a bit of truth in what they told you.* I have and use a 30-30 Winchester.* Use the 170 grain bullet for Best Accuracy, and Performance in your 30-30 Rifle.*


30-30 Ballistics Table

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