Buzz Up-I think is designed to sway opinions & is a piece of crap. Space for opinions is needed.Your thoughts?

When you "buzz up" something----HOW do you know which of the sentences in the article you are "buzzing up" do you know which way the opinion will swing. There needs to be ALWAYS a space for explanation rather than simply "buzzing up".


Many times you "buzz up" and never get the comment section or the opportunity to provide input. Think about this -there can be only one line that you agree on----and buzz it the impression you support the complete issues--when taken in full consideration --you may not want to support.


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There was a time - not too long ago - (although english is the rapidest growing language in the world) that new forms of expressions in english would 'mean' something, such as transistor, transducer", eco-friendly, etc in all different strata of the language.

Those days are fast going down the drain, being replaced by words - although new ones - totally stupid, and only devoted - not to the advance of science, society and/or human well being, but to the "communication" end of it. The problem is, though, the 'communication' motor is the entertainment area, the students platform, etc, who - by the use of the toys given to them by serious developers (cellphones, www, videos, etc) not only bring new words into play, they also assassinate the original one, installing such 'words' as 'buzz-up', wassap, yuonowhatImean, ...???

This is not a lone development; different sectors of the culture 'cake- have different atrocities. It has spiralled from English into other languages, totally assassinating the other ones as well.
This is the typical case of 'contra-evolution'...or evolution backwards. Again, this is only my opinion.


ummmm... no.

If anything *YOU* are the one trying to sway opinions by bringing the focus of the article down to a particular quote. The whole reason for buzz up is to say "i find this interesting" and if somebody else finds it interesting too, then they have the choice to read that article and form their *OWN* opinion on it... you make it sound like it's jammed down the throat.