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asalaam aleikum
no I didn't, but I guess I should. my mom has earlier stages of h1n1. but she's okay, she's taking antibiotics to make it go away.
Shade TTC for 3 years
No I will not and neither will my husband. He read in the Arab news that a lot of people have died from getting the swine flu vaccine. Plus we don't trust vaccines in general. We won't be getting the regular flu shot either. I've never gotten the flu shot and I've been fine, minus getting the flu once a year. My husband read in the Arab news that the people who invented the swine flu vaccine experimented with it before making it and put something in it to kill people (hence the reason why little kids and old people who get the swine flu vaccine are dying from it). And no I do not know what Arab newspaper my husband got this from as I don't read Arabic. Even the regular flu vaccine is dangerous, it's a new vaccine every year because the flu virus mutates and changes every year.
I got the swine flu vaccination. I did not have any effects. A work colleague of mine did not get vaccinated, caught swine flu and was sick for a week.
I know who made the better choice.
EDIT: To the respondent Shade - I am in the Medical science field, and I can tell you that it is impossible to make a vaccine which is directed to kill young children and old people, without it affecting anyone in between to a serious level. Of course there was experimentation, that is how things get developed for safety and efficacy. It is unfortunate that some media outlets like to view everything as a plot to harm others.
SKBA's Janu ♥☮
I will not because i'm pregnant and there is not enough research done on the long term effects to an unborn fetus by the H1N1 vaccine. Many women have experienced pre-term labor and miscarriages after getting this injection, but it has yet to be proven that the injection is the cause. When it comes to protecting your unborn child, you can't be too careful. On the other hand, the majority of hospitalizations and deaths have been pregnant women, so it's definitely a conflict. But I would have a difficult time living with myself if i didn't protect my child over myself, and something happened to him because of my selfishness.
I got the vaccine and had no side affects. Main reason I got it is because I will be travelling for 30+ hours on 3 different flights and in 3 different airports.