How long do self-illuminating night sights last?

I'm looking at Meprolight, Trijicon, etc. and was wondering how long does the illumination last? I see Trijicon warranty's for 12 years, but do they last longer than that? Thanks!


Favorite Answer

Tritium has a half life of about 12.33 years. So in 12.33 years there will only be half as much as when it started. I would assume that it would be about 1/2 as bright. In 24.66 years, there would only 1/4 as much left as the sight started with.


the tritium night sights I've useed last real good about 5 years then they start going down hill from there and those were Trijicon......I hear they are all about the far as last ability...
The first 5 years are great though!