I have noticed a huge decline in craftsmanship and attention to detail in the last 15-20 years. This is not just a decline in one area, it is across the board. From thumbtacks to houses, from flashlights to computers. Is anyone else fed up with this? I know I am! Where is the pride? Where is the detail? Where is the reliability? Is everything disposable these days?
Simple Man Of God2009-11-25T11:46:15Z
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As a metrologist, I agree with you, wholeheartedly...
I have been in Quality for 15 years now, and I have worked for a variety of companies. It seems that the regulations on companies have forced them to cut corners as often as they can get away with. More often than not, companies just sham it out, and make it look like they meet standards. They coach their employees and tell them what to say to the auditors. Even the Auditors, the watchdogs, the cops of the industry are lax these days... We used to have an Underwriters Labratories auditor that came in to "inspect" us in a fire extinguisher manufacturing facility. She sat around and just visited with us. Truth is, those guys don't get paid by the company if they can't get their certifications. It becomes a money game, then.