I work with animals.. and love it! ..but at the end of the day, I just want to relax... ?
How do I respond in this situation...?
A friend came by to stop for a chat... all she did was non-stop talk about her cat... "Ohh shes so cute.. but she had an operation.. she's been straining to go to the toilet lately... so I put her in her litter box, but she didn't do anything.. I was thinking that maybe she wanted to go outside and do it.. but with her operation she wasn't meant to... then the vet gave her some laxatives and I took her home... she was still straining.. eventually I let her outside and she went off...she came back I don't know where outside she does her business outside though....so I'm not sure what she did."
yes I work in a vet clinic.. but at the end of the day i do not want to hear about how your cat struggled to do poos and wees! I simply don't. I'm interested in people's lives just as much.. if not more!!
Am I doomed to get these kind of conversations for the rest of my life?