I know where to look.. but I'm not sure what I'm searching for...?

So I had a dream that involved snow last night... and every time I have a dream that includes snow, I feel somehow... mystified and also.. a real feeling of happiness and contentment.
I feel like I'm searching for something.. and I feel like I can find that something in a snowy place.. for some reason I've been drawn to Canada. I'm not sure why, but I spent a day there when I was 8.. I'm not sure if it's anything to do with a past-life or if it's just that I somehow know something is there for me...

I have this plan... I've got 2 more years of university... then I will work in NZ for 2 years.. and then I'm going to go to Canada to work and I'm not going to come back until I find whatever it is I'm looking for...

Am I crazy?


Favorite Answer

you are not crazy, you are just motivated and should be thankful for it, snow is your motivation, or so it seems, so you should use it to get what you want, one day you will know what you want, when you are in a situation where you feel the same as in your snowy dreams, you will know thats the path you want in life.

I'm Gumby Damn It!2009-11-30T09:02:47Z

you sound a little crazy Laura
I use to do things like that in my youth
I am always reminded of Butch and the Kid
when they got this craZy idea to go to Bolivia
they got there and the reality of the place sank in
been there done that Laura
more times than i care to admit
but hey that is me
and butch and kid are fictitious
You might very well have tons of Personal Power
to aim and the mark!
good luck with that...
one suggestion
take all the time you need to explore that OVER THE RAINBOW