My niece asked my sister why we have toy drives if Santa brings presents?

My sister isn't ready to tell my 6 year old niece that Santa isn't "real"... How should she handle the issue?


Favorite Answer

It doesn't have to be difficult.

"You know how you get presents from mommy and daddy, and other people too, like auntie? Some children's mommies and daddies can't give them presents so we do a toy drive so their mommies and daddies can give them presents, and not just Santa"


Just say that Santa and his Elves cant make everything and that people help out by donating toys to Santa so that he can deliver them on Christmas Eve.


I would just say that they are just helping Santa collect presents to give to the children. That they are Santa's helpers!

children are so cute sometimes at what they say!


wait.. santa isn't real?