please help diabetes help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

i think i might have diabetes i have been drinking lots and lots and peeing lots and been feeling very tired i sleep about 10 hours a might

do you think i might have diabetes


and i also have

■Blurred vision.
■Slow-healing sores or frequent infections.
■Areas of darkened skin.


Favorite Answer

You seem to have some of the signs of diabetes. The best way to find out is to see a doctor. Even if you do not have diabetes the excessive thirst/drinking may be a sign of something else serious. I would not take a chance. See your doctor.


Cure Diabetes Problems Naturally :


It depends on why you are drinking.
For a diabetic with high sugars the thirst is unquenchable.
You can drink and drink but still feel thirsty, even when the fluid is in your mouth.
If you drink alot for whatever reason, you are going to pee a lot.
Go see your doctor.


Diabetes tends to run in families, it is possible by the symptoms you could have, but there are other conditions that mimic those symptoms also. Check a medical site and if you feel that you have the symptoms or don't have the other ones listed with this, go based on that to whether to make an appt. and get tested or not. There are sites like: www. mayoclinic. com or to check this.


either that or your pregnant, consult with a doctor, it could be serious and if your really thirsty then you should go to a doctor emmediatly.

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