Why so manu countries have Lion on the flag or coat of arms and 90% of the population havent even seen a lion?

Macedonia,England,Denmark,Czech,Spain,Bulgaria,Sri Lanka, Bhutan,Japan(*mythology) and so manu countries have a lion in the culture and folklore .I know that it is a sign of power and pride but these are really old symbols in theirs history.


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lion was common wild animal in europe around 1000 years ago when extinct because of human activities such as hunting, deforestation, agriculture and urbanisation. lion is top predator, king of the animal kingdom. because of its power, immense stregnth and imposing figure was chosen for the symbol of the rulers from the antiquity to present days.


"Ældste aftryk af det danske våben er hægtet på et kongeligt brev fra 1194. Når de tidlige konger, blandt dem Valdemar den Store valgte løvedyret, påstås det, at det var en protest mod det tysk-romerske kejserrige, idet man tilsluttede sig kejsermodstanderen Henrik Løve."

Oldest print of the danish weapon is hooked onto a royal letter from 1194. When the early kings among them Valdemar den Store choose the lion, it is said that it was a protest against the Holy Roman Empire, as they joined forces with the opponent of the emperor Henrik der Lowe(Lion)

quite many of us have seen a lion in the zoo :p


it might be largely due to fact that European culture for example was founded on the Greek and Roman foundations, and THE two definitely were in contact with ancient lion populations.

Nota bene.. Lions used to live in the middle east (Panthera leo persica)

There have been cave lions across Europe during the Ice Age.

Finally, we all are just primates and we are scared like sh!t of all felines. that§s what makes them so sexy.


It`s a more compelling picture icon than a skyscraper.
As you say, it is merely a symbol of strength....and a country becomes identifiable by their flag. You can`t keep changing it.


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