Does anyone besides me get song lyrics mixed up?
When I was little I failed to understand that Feliz Navidad was in another language and I thought it was saying "Fleas naughty dog" I thought the Sesame street theme song said "where the angels meet" apparently it says "where the air is sweet" I thought Avril lavigne was saying "you'll be like a muffin," not "you'll be next to nothing." The other day I was listening to the radio, and it was saying wild windows and I was thinking that doesn't make sense it probably says wild wind blows, apprently it's Stevie Nicks one winged dove. John Micheal Montgomery sings "she's an eight she's a nine she's a ten I know" not "she's a lake she's an eye she's a tin I know." Elvis's Return to sender says return to sender not return to Sydney. Anyways I have countless accounts of when I was thinking the song was saying something else, and I was just wondering if anyone else does too, and if so what. Thanks. 10 points to the funniest.