Does anyone besides me get song lyrics mixed up?

When I was little I failed to understand that Feliz Navidad was in another language and I thought it was saying "Fleas naughty dog" I thought the Sesame street theme song said "where the angels meet" apparently it says "where the air is sweet" I thought Avril lavigne was saying "you'll be like a muffin," not "you'll be next to nothing." The other day I was listening to the radio, and it was saying wild windows and I was thinking that doesn't make sense it probably says wild wind blows, apprently it's Stevie Nicks one winged dove. John Micheal Montgomery sings "she's an eight she's a nine she's a ten I know" not "she's a lake she's an eye she's a tin I know." Elvis's Return to sender says return to sender not return to Sydney. Anyways I have countless accounts of when I was thinking the song was saying something else, and I was just wondering if anyone else does too, and if so what. Thanks. 10 points to the funniest.


Favorite Answer

You know that song that says "Taking care of business"? I used think it said "Making Mary biscuits". Don't ask me why, I have no idea. My parents thought it was a riot.


if its around the comparable time "*** ole' butt' by LL is probable it, bt the 1st track i seen became "like i do"by blaque (she aint aint have been provided that junk in the trunk for the bump which you relatively elect and the girl aint have been given the strikes like do...) and the track is almost that cheesy early90's sound


I can totally relate to your story. I still do it today. When my friends correct me i get so embarrass. Oh! Well that's

miss cruelie2009-12-05T20:05:22Z

Big pimpin', spending cheese...