Do American citizens believe that congress deserves better health care than the rest of American taxpayers?

Since the American taxpayers provide what has been described as a "cadillac" health care program to congress members at American taxpayer expense, do you, the American taxpayer feel like congress is better than you and deserve to have better, cheaper health care than you do? If so, or not, please explain you position.

Forget War Buy More2009-12-08T06:39:16Z

Favorite Answer

Congress gets exactly what every other federal employee gets for health care. And all Americans should have that option.


No, of course they don't.

Especially if they are going to inflict a new system on us, they need to participate in it as well.

That is only fair, especially since the American taxpayer is footing the bill.

Members of Congress are NOT better than the rest of America. They work FOR us. Why is that so hard for some people to comprehend?


If members of Congress weren't members of Congress, they would be earning big bucks in private business and they would still have "Cadillac" insurance plans. You can't lure people into public service with inferior health care if they have the choice to make a lot more money and get much better health care. The reason Congress has a good health care plan is simply the economics of labor.

Welcome to capitalism.


It is very obvious you haven't read the Reid Bill/Proposal. If you had you would see that the requirement for federal employees was in there. And that includes Congress. It's just one of the many reasons that the Republicans along with blue dog Democrats don't like the bill.. My position is that you ought to read the bill before spewing stuff you know nothing about.


This question has been asked and answered many times but I'll jump in again and say no. However, like everything else in American, and probably the world, the rich get treated better than the rest of us.

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