When lifting weights what’s the correct breathing technique?

I lift heavy is the breathing technique in through your nose and out through your mouth?
or can a breath in throughmy mouth and out through my mouth? whats the best and safest technique?


Favorite Answer

breathe in when lifting, out when dropping. Breathe in through nose, breathe out through mouth. It will cause you to focus on your breath more which is healthy


It is better to breath in through your nose and out through your mouth, breathe in when you lift up a weight and out when you lower a weight.
When you breath in and out of your mouth you don't fill you lungs or use your muscles correctly and this would affect the desired effects of weight lifting or exercising
Hope this helps.


First of all, you should always breathe in your nose and out your mouth, not just while lifting.
It's been proven that the hairs and snot in your nose can help filter out dust and stuff.

Second, usually I breathe in during the relaxation phase and out during the contraction phase.
Ex: Bench press: breathe in while lowering to chest, out while raising.

HOWEVER some coaches/trainers say the exact opposite, i.e. breathing in during contraction and out during relaxation.

Just remember to breathe. That's the most important part. Some people hold their breath, and it sucks to be them when they drop 200+ lbs on themselves because they passed out from not breathing.

Good Luck.

Reckless One2009-12-12T04:33:28Z

Pretty much what nicole said