What should i get for christmas!?

i have the option of getting a guitar or a mac. the guitar is awesome because its see-through. But i also want to get my own 15-inch mac book pro. if i get either one ill have to pay for most of it. the guitar is cheaper thought. the guitar also comes with a case and i already have an amp.

guitar link-http://www.guitarcenter.com/Dan-Armstrong-Dan-Armstrong-Plexi-Guitar-514304-i1319226.gc

mac book pro link- http://store.apple.com/us/configure/MB985LL/A?mco=MTM3NDczMDg


lol, i know what a mac is. My bought a desktop mac like 4 years ago an i love em too but i don't know alot about the guitar.
thx anyway

y dont u answer my quest. nomore2009-12-14T12:15:00Z

Favorite Answer

lmfao wow ask for nothing h/she funny!!! u better go for that guitar lol


If I was in your case I would get a mac thats what i have right now its great and it has this thing called garage band and you can play instruments on there and the mac keeps you very organized its great you would not be up set that you got a mac. My high school bought these laptops so the kids could use them and i Love the mac so much


A King James Bible.


Ask for nothing... and be grateful for what you receive