Global Warming Believers - How do you react when Al Gore's own source says he is lying about the data?
Al Gore at the Copenhagen conference pronounced that according to his source climatologist Wieslaw Maslowski the North pole ice caps would disappear completely during summer months in 5 to 7 years. ***Oh my goodness the world is at an end, we must shut down all carbon or the world is doomed I tell you**** ONLY PROBLEM WIESLAW MASLOWSKI SAID HE NEVER SAID ANYTHING OF THE SORT AND HAS NO IDEA HOW ANYONE COULD CONCLUDE THAT FROM THE DATA HE PROVIDED.
So to surmise for you Global Warming - climate change people:
Al Gore is caught in a LIE AGAIN and Al Gore's response was he got it from a "private" conversation a few years ago. OKAY SO NOW WE KNOW HE HAS HAD BAD INFORMATION FOR YEARS.
Does it not in the very least give you pause that the leaders of the Climate Change feel like they need to LIE and SPICE UP the whole Global Warming thing?
Honestly, put aside all that you've been taught and ask yourself WHY THE LIES?
I not asking about the "science" because we can spend years debating that what I want is an honest answer - HOW DO YOU REACT when Al Gore is caught in a Lie about Global Warming?
If you belong to an organization and you kept catching your leaders in lies would you not start to ask yourself, but wait, WHY THE LIES?
Breaking News Al Gore Answers questions about his LYING - sorry actually it is him avoiding the question and having thugs destroy microphones.
Favorite Answer
Dana, You are such a denier! Al Gore got a Nobel prize for his efforts and he has done nothing but spout lies. Most of his movie has already been shown completely false. Anytime he talks about he environment, he either says something stupid or he says something completely misleading. It is because of the large number of lies that he has told that many people doubt everything about AGW and thinks it is nothing more than a power grab. Think about it. When you hear something where someone has said 20 facts that support his idea, and then asks you to sacrifice something, what happens when you find that some of those facts were indeed false and indeed were meant to purposely mislead you. I would proceed to question everything said, and want proof for every "fact". His hypocrisy is nearly unmatched in his ability to consume vast amounts of energy in both his travels and his home, not to mention the vast fortunes he is making off of this AGW idea, while at the same time asking people to sacrifice more! He is not taking the millions and millions that he is getting from the AGW idea and giving it back to charity. I'm not suggesting that everybody (even those who would stand to profit) should be willing to do this, but if you want to ask others to sacrifice, you should not be getting substantially rich because of this.
You have become nothing more than a useless pawn of a tool. You can't even think for yourself any more. If you would at least have the decency not to come on here and act like Al Gore is a saint, you might generate some respect, but as it is, everybody knows that you come to Dana if you want the standard AGW political answer. Worthless. You are a political pawn not a "master of science".
the earth's climate has warmed before humans stepped away from living with the ecosystem (excluding the native tribes still practising that culture, particularly in the amazon) and even if all of humanity never existed, the climate would still warm. It is part of a natural cycle of earth, though as to how much humans can influence this cycles speed is anyone guess and I'm willing to see out climate control, as one day humanity will discover the fact our earth will again warm up and put our species success to a great test of survival.
We all need to eat and agriculture is the biggest sufferer in warming climate, the flowon effect is of course world hunger. It's agriculture that needs saving for the survival humanity!
I doubt the worlds human population will ever stablise and if we never colonize another planet in sn effort to secure extra resources to sustain our population, then maybe we will never discover the many benefits the universe holds in store for our species.
Beacuse they cant admit they were wrong, there was no proof in the first place, enviornmentalists are hypocrites, they will ways of life onto other people but wont live that way, Al gores pool house uses more electricity in one year then the average american house does in 5 yrs, and all the politics flying to denmark puttin out all the co2 can be to friendly can it? its not about the enviornment its about progresivism, its dangerios, it leads to communism
Who cares what Al Gore says? He is not a climate scientists, he is a lying politician just like the rest of them (democrat and republicans alike).
I get my information from the source, scientists and people who do nothing but study this stuff all day long. Just because Al Gore lies, that doesn't disprove the scientific fact that global warming is happening. That's like saying, xyz politician said that gravity will be gone in a few years, that must mean this whole gravity theory is a hoax.
Also, the so called "climate gate" email quote "hide the decline" has been explained countless times, but just for the sake of this question i will explain it yet again. It has to do with tree ring data that was used to calculate temperature until the late 60's at which point that method was all of a sudden totally inaccurate and did not match the instrument measurements. So the "trick" of hiding the decline was a common thing that they do in these graphs, which is to camouflage that divergence in the late 60's. Even if you take the tree ring data out completely, the trend still shows accelerated warming.