Should we stop posting poems and restrict questions in the poetry sub category to technical and reference?

Yesterday, I posted a poem (Minna) and got three replies (that I know of) one from True American, one from Shirley and one from Elys. Today it's been pulled as a violation. Violation Reason: Misuse of the question and answer format

In Yahoo! Answers you must phrase questions in question format, and your answer must attempt to answer the question. Questions or answers must be written in a comprehensible way, and must be written in the language specific to the Answers site to which it is uploaded. You may not post conversational content without an attempt to post a meaningful question or answer a question or otherwise misuse the question and answer format.

I agree poetry can be chatty. I suppose one could post one and ask: "Do you like my poem? (y/n)" or ask questions like "What's the differnce between an iamb and a trochee?" or "Do you like Kipling?" But it's a little sad. I think to have some credibility in this forum as a source of thoughtful answers, we have to post our work occasionally. So. A two part question:

(1) One should we stop posting poems here?
(2) Is there a better on-line forum we should be using?

Answers appreciated!


Favorite Answer

I provide answers in POETRY. I don't ask poetry questions. If folks were to stop posting their poetry I would not be able to rate their poems or to mentor them individually. It would take the fun and the sense of helping people away from me and I am sure other seasoned poets who provide answers would agree. I think it would also frustrate new poets. They need to be encouraged for their work and need to hear from well experienced poets what they need to alter or whether they are on the right track. The only way I know of is to post their work and ask. Its a good question. Thank you for posting it. It made me think.


We should not stop posting poems

There are obviously some stupid people around who have nothing better to do than violate others work. Over the last week I have had 4 violations. I have reposted asking Do you like my poem? and that has been deleted too. 2 days ago at least 5 poets that I know of have had their work violated. I think it is pathetic and the Yahoo team should be doing to look more at who is doing the reporting. At the moment, the reporter has the upper hand. The poet has to make an appeal and the only appeal that I have made was rejected.


I don't contribute much to this category, but it's so weird how what you received in your email was the exact same wording of a question of mine that was reported a few days ago. I mean, exactly the same words in the exact same order. It sort of makes me wonder whether there's now a Yahoo Answers police force going after people who want to have a little fun on the site.

That wording is still getting to me though. It's precisely the same.

Anyway, to answer your questions.
1- No, people shouldn't stop posting here.
2- Yes, there probably is a better forum. I've heard of a few, but can't speak for their quality.



That makes 4 poems violated yesterday from really good poets. I think it is disgusting that someone would be so bored in life that they have to go around reporting people for such trivial infractions. Can't they just live and let live? And, all sections of Y/A are a bit chatty. Look at Polls and Surveys or the Senior Citizens section. When humans are involved there will be a certain amount of communication. This all just started very recently. Stay strong, repost your poems and hang in there. I'll keep reading if your keep writing.


(1) We should be able to post technical questions but also our own work. However, we should not be able to skulk around accusing other Y!A community members of things that they are not doing. The old maxim that repeating a lie ad nauseum does not make it true has never been more appropriate or more valid than it is in this matter.

(2) I'm sure there are better forums, but I wouldn't bother because Y!A is for me a diversion. I'm having no difficulty getting my work published in the real world.

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