What music SHOULD be playing if the ATM reads "Feed Me A Stray Kitten"?
shades: as long as it's not "new edition" we can do that
love that one lep
shades: as long as it's not "new edition" we can do that
love that one lep
Jimmy Jazz
Favorite Answer
We Want Some Pussy - 2 Live Crew
Sorry, the place I'm at right now has an unofficial motto "No ATM" with ATM meaning @ss To Mouth. It's such a strong phrase that it has entirely replaced Automatic Teller Machine in my mind when it comes to what ATM stands for.
"Stray Cat Strut" by The Stray Cats.
mark j
Something's Gone Wrong Again - The Buzzcocks
Leni Duchess of Beggars
The Year of the Cat, Al Stewart
Snookie got the answer I was gonna give.
I love that part of American Psycho.
Tight Bros From Way Back When - Crazy