How come Cleopatra and Mark Anthony are never mentioned in the bible since they lived before Christ?


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The bible has been chopped up, twisted around and perverted so much during the 1,500 years that it took to write it, that it is nothing more than a fictitious mess of contradictions and madness. Most of it is about female oppression and scare tactics designed to keep people living in terror of some angry god who is waiting to strike them with plagues and death if they sneeze wrong.
The story of Cleopatra is about a powerful woman. Cant have that in the bible can we? Look at what they did to Lilith, Adams first wife. God forbid that a woman should be given that sort of notoriety.


Cleopatra and Mark Anthony are never mentioned in the bible since they lived before Christ and aren't relevant.

JUAN FRAN$$$2009-12-17T12:18:47Z

Main reason is because of none of their lives have been lived in Judea or Jerusalem. Nor did it have anything to do with the Jewish people either directly or indirectly.
Their lives were played out in Egypt, Rome, and Greece not Judea what is now present day Israel.


The people who put together the Bible were humans who picked and chose what to include according to their own opinions that were influenced according to the time they lived in. Which is why so many "teachings" in the Bible are outdated and useless.


Because the Old Testament is HEBREW history, and neither of them had a thing to do with it.

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