What should I get my boyfriend for Christmas?

We've only been going out since 11/10/09, and I don't know what to get my boyfriend. I don't want to get him something too outstanding, because we haven't been going out that long, but I also don't want to get something that'll make him say "wow... she doesnt care at all". What's a good idea for a gift that's not too expensive?

Larkin L2009-12-17T17:23:09Z

Favorite Answer

Framed picture of the two of you
iTunes gift card
CD of his favorite band


the cd thing is nice- also consider a funny gift like a marshmallow shooter... nothing makes a girl more attractive than a sense of humor. make sure you get one too so you can have a war


some nice smelling colone..... maybe a shirt or something.... if its coming from his girl it shouldn't matter as long as its thoughtful


how about a favorite CD, or some cologne