How would I find out the grading formula for my school?

All summative assignments are averaged together, and count as 60% of the final grade. All formative assignments are averaged together and count as 40% of the final grade. How would I figure out the formula for calculating my final grade?
EX: In one of my classes, i have a formative average of 87.17%, a summative average of 90%, and a final average of 88.87%.


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in a weighted average, multiply the value by the weight, add them, and divide by the sum of the weights.
so [ 60%(90%) + 40%(87.17%) ] / 100% = 54% + 34.87% = 88.87%

Sally Cat2009-12-23T11:18:51Z

90(.60) + 87.17(.40) = Final Grade

So 88.868, rounded up to 88.87, is your final grade.