Still thinking about should i interpret it?

me and my musician buddy from the gym) a veteran keyboard player just got into a discussion musically.i told him i was working on some scoring project type stuff.He responded withod you should actually do something with it(the music) and stop ******* around ).I immediately got mad at that staement(the messing around part)because i told him that i have some sick relatives i'm attending to,and for me i can't put it as much energy into the music as i want to.But then when i got upset,he said something along the lines as"the whole world wishes they had your guitar chops"," just feel you could be doing alot more than you are already doing right now". keep having to tell eople that i'm dealing with personal business.He said that if i was gigging more and having well paying gigs that i would find a way to fit it all in.He also said that i could play anything to another guy.It's just frustrating me and eating me up.I don't know how i should take all ofthis....It's seems like he was complimenting as a cover up,but anyway this is eating me up.We're fine now because i tried to see his point of view,but i'm still pissed how should i take this?

KT in Austin2009-12-28T18:47:50Z

Favorite Answer

People who have never dealt with ill family members have no idea how time consuming it can be.

To give him credit, however, it sounds like he is truly impressed with your talent and hates to see it unused.

Sometimes, though, it is the time we pursue other things, especially when we are focused on others, that we grow and develop in all areas of our life.

Try to make time to focus on your gift. But not to the neglect of the responsibilities you've taken on. The world has plenty of self centered musicians. It could certainly use one who cares for others.


You should take what he said as a compliment. He thinks you have a lot of talent.

However, this person is trying to communicate to you that you're talent isn't worth a damn if you squander it and don't live up to your full potential.

I'm sorry about your ill relatives, and he needs to understand that you need to tend to them as well.

Its a wake up your life.


Who cares about him, he's not you. Smoke some dude :P So he doesn't know exactly what you're through. You gotta do what you want, man. And if it still persists tell him.