how high does a 16 bit binary counter count?

my counter re-set and now it says 105... Beginning reading 65507 ending reading 105. I need to know how many units were produced.. Please help


Favorite Answer

The highest number is 65535, then 0, then 105.

d = 105 - 65507;
if (d < 0) d = d + 65536
Thus, in your case, the answer is 134.

To check this, from 65535 to 1 should be 2... 65535, 0, 1


A 16 bit binary counter counts up to 65535 ( i.e 2^16-1).


It depends on how many times it reset. When it resets, it should go from 2^15 - 1 to -2^15, i.e from
32,767 to -32,768. Hope that helps