Tips on coping with pregnancy freak outs?

I am in my seventh month, and I am in freak out city. This is a planned pregnancy, and we are living abroad. I have a doctor all lined up, and we prepared for this, its no surprise - but the closer this thing gets the more I panic. I don't even know where to pick up on getting all the stuff done I feel needs to get done. The more I realize that regardless of my knowing many women who gave birth and still manage a life that people expect me to stop doing everything I like. I am the only pregnant foreign girl in town, and I feel isolated, scared, and unprepared. I have a great supportive husband, I read four or five books on pregnancy and birth before we even started ttc, am taking on line birth courses - I don't know what else to do, and I don't know how to calm down! Any advice ladies? Any on line resources for making sure you have the essentials? Any tips on talking to young unmarried friends about how I think they are awesome but could they please please take a break from the bar for a weekend so I have some company on a friday night? I feel like I am going nuts - I am not an uptight person, but I feel like I am wound up like a jack in the box - is this normal? Why didn't anyone warn me about the freak outs?!?

Carter born 4-2-102010-01-05T22:47:23Z

Favorite Answer

You have to calm down. I know how you feel when you say you're isolated, but you have to find solice in yourself. I live in Long Beach (moved here from Oklahoma). I don't know anyone and have no family here, only my fiance. I definitely feel isolated. I leave the house once or twice a week. You're probably as prepared as you're going to get. You just have to keep telling yourself that. You've done more than I have. A little bit of worrying is fine, but you can't freak out. You just can't. It's not good for you or the baby. I wish I could be more help, but this is all I have. Just know that you're not alone and you have someone there with you that loves you and will be there for everything. Maybe you could just talk to him when you're feeling crazy. That may help.


HAH! I tried for one more child and got twins : ). It can be done. The best advice I have is to make a "nursing box" (even if you are planning on bottle feeding). I made a box filled with quiet toys, books, puzzles, and snacks that my 3 yo could only have when I was nursing my twins. He would sit with the box and play. I also reffered to the babies as "his babies" or "our babies". He felt responsible instead of replaced. He would help me by getting diapers and other things. Just realize that this period will go by really quickly, before you know it the new baby will be sitting up and be more idependent, and the terrible twos do not last forever. I don't know where you live, but I joined the YMCA here and put my lkids in thier daycare for 2 hours a day while I exercised, swam, or just sat in the sauna! You will need to find a way to get some time for yourself. You will get through it. Trust me : )


I had the same prob when I was pregnant with my girls. I had to really keep myself busy so I wouldn't think about it. I read a lot of books, did a lot of crosswords and tried to get out with people during the day as much as possible. Keep busy and remember that if there was a problem the doctors should have seen some kind of indication by now.

Mommy to a princess2010-01-05T22:43:26Z

you will get used to it... everyone texted me on New Years wishing me a Happy New Years they we're allll drunk asking me if i'm enjoying myself... oh yes i'm pregnant sitting at home and everyone is having fun! think of your little one that's all you need... just calm down everything will fall into place!!