Tips on coping with pregnancy freak outs?
I am in my seventh month, and I am in freak out city. This is a planned pregnancy, and we are living abroad. I have a doctor all lined up, and we prepared for this, its no surprise - but the closer this thing gets the more I panic. I don't even know where to pick up on getting all the stuff done I feel needs to get done. The more I realize that regardless of my knowing many women who gave birth and still manage a life that people expect me to stop doing everything I like. I am the only pregnant foreign girl in town, and I feel isolated, scared, and unprepared. I have a great supportive husband, I read four or five books on pregnancy and birth before we even started ttc, am taking on line birth courses - I don't know what else to do, and I don't know how to calm down! Any advice ladies? Any on line resources for making sure you have the essentials? Any tips on talking to young unmarried friends about how I think they are awesome but could they please please take a break from the bar for a weekend so I have some company on a friday night? I feel like I am going nuts - I am not an uptight person, but I feel like I am wound up like a jack in the box - is this normal? Why didn't anyone warn me about the freak outs?!?