Have you heard of Obama's executive order regarding Interpol?

Seems as if he has given away our American freedom and soveirnty.
Should we be surprised? http://www.thewhitehousewatch.com/?p=4323


Scott, you are wrong and hysterical son. Did you read the article or just refuse to face the facts like most Dems do? Ronald Reagon did not sign over our sovernity. Gawd some people.


As was pointed out in the Ron Paul Forums(5) , “INTERPOL, an international law enforcement agency, has just been granted complete and utter “diplomatic immunity” within the borders of the United States, courtesy of Obama. They are not subject to any Constitutional limitations within the United States. Good luck filing for discovery, documents, witnesses or subpoenas against a police force that is operating outside of the Constitution in your own country! You can’t sue them. Their records can’t be searched. They are not subject to FOIA requests. You probably won’t even know the name of the agent prosecuting you if INTERPOL comes to visit. And they don’t have to tell you either.”(6) By deleting any requirements that INTERPOL be exempted from any sections of the International Organizations Immunities Act(7) , INTERPOL is – effectively – untouchable. Non-Person

Jerry Brown2010-01-06T20:57:10Z

Favorite Answer

He's following the Cloward/Piven strategy right to the letter. One world order, one world union, one world government, one world monetary system.

Interpol was founded in Austria in 1923 as the International Criminal Police (ICP). Following the Anschluss (Austria's annexation by Nazi Germany) in 1938, the organization fell under the control of Nazi Germany and the Commission's headquarters were eventually moved to Berlin in 1942. It is unclear, however, if and to what extent the ICPC files were used to further the goals of the Nazi regime. However, from 1938 to 1945, the presidents of Interpol included Otto Steinhäusl (a general in the SS), Reinhard Heydrich (a general in the SS, and chair of the Wannsee Conference that appointed Heydrich the chief executor of the "Final solution to the Jewish question"), Arthur Nebe (a general in the SS, and Einsatzgruppen leader, under whose command at least 46,000 people were killed), and Ernst Kaltenbrunner (a general in the SS, the highest ranking SS officer executed after the Nuremberg Trial).

After the end of World War II in 1945, the organization was revived as the International Criminal Police Organization by European Allies of World War II officials from Belgium, France, Scandinavia and the United Kingdom. Its new headquarters were established in Saint-Cloud, a town on the outskirts of Paris. They remained there until 1989, when they were moved to their present location, Lyon


Have you read the actual EO or the underlying law? Congress authorized the president in 1945 to extend certain privileges to International organizations. Reagan in 1983 added Interpol to the list when they were having a conference in the US. Clinton extended more privileges in 1995. Interpol didn't have a US office until 2004, so the provisions about taxes and asset searches didn't apply. The Bush State Department recommended the changes but the Bush White House didn't finish the process before Inauguration. The Obama White House finished it.

Note that Interpol doesn't have diplomatic immunity. Interpol employees aren't immune from US and NY laws. The EO just means Interpol's assets are immune from searches and can't be seized, and they are exempt from certain taxes and customs duties. They can't arrest, interrogate, kill, transport, detain, anybody in the US (or anywhere else). But that's not what Interpol does anyway. They are a clearing house for information between member nations (The US is a member). They issue alerts and track information on terrorists, sex offenders, drug traffickers, fugitives, etc across internationa boundaries. The member nations do the actual police work themselves.

This makes Interpol the same status as the International Civil Aviation Organization, the International Committee of the Red Cross, and the World Tourism Organization. Do any of those have the authority to grab and kill US Citizens? NO. Neither does Interpol.

Don't be a tool of fear mongers. Read for yourself before you leap to conclusions on either side of the fence.

scott b2010-01-06T20:55:16Z

Actually, he RESIGNED it. It was initially written by a REPUBLICAN, Ronald Regan in 1983. Something Glenn Beck won't tell you, though.


Get your facts down before you get hysterical.


I am not surprised.