Alt med, what do you think of this cartoon?


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I'm on leave, Truthseeker. Hooray!

SkepDoc 3.02010-01-07T22:29:23Z

Favorite Answer

I love it....sugar memory


I totally agree with alt. heal....

Inventions and progress can only be made by open-minded people who believe in their visions.
Mocking others may be a source of mirth for some but does not achieve anything concrete.

Less mocking and more factual might put in the right perspective not just the efficacy of alternative medicine but the results of "traditional"(?) medicine based on the false presumption that one medication cures one disease.




@truthseeker: its funny how nowhere in you answer you even address the factuality of the claims being made, instead you simply imply that the contents classification is wrong, and that the person presenting the content should be doing something else.

plus the differences in crystal structure of water, and the fact that it can cause life and death, are irrelevant to the falsity that is homeopathy.

ONTOPIC: good comic strip, a little wordy to get the point across.


Thankyou for posting AngryDoc.

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